TSallee 马来西亚首创 1st HALAL 即食莲子羹
TSallee 马来西亚首创 1st HALAL 即食莲子羹


TSallee 马来西亚首创 1st HALAL 即食莲子羹



我们是一家专注中式药材饮料的穆斯林制造厂, 创立于2009年, 目前并已获得KKM HACCP、 GMP、MESTI 马来西亚JAKIM Halal清真认证。

前身 主要的业务是以OEM的经营模式为主

目前 – 从2020 开始研发了十多种自家品牌的饮料

现在 – 我们的中式糖水~红枣雪耳莲子羹广受顾客欢迎, 尤其是马来西穆斯林市场,于是我们决定专注研发在这产品上。



We are a Muslim manufacturing factory specializing in Chinese Herb & Botanical Beverages, were established in 2009. Currently, we have obtained KKM HACCP, GMP, MESTI and Malaysia Halal certifications.

Our predecessor primarily operated under the OEM business model. Since 2020, we have been developing more than ten types of beverages under our own brand

Presently, our Chinese sweet soup – Lai Chee Kang (Lotus seed sweet soup), is well-received by customers, especially in the Malaysian Muslim market. As a result, we have decided to focus on further research and development for this product.


Lai Chee Kang is one of the traditional desserts passed down through generations in Chinese culture.

It can be enjoyed both cold and hot and is known for its ability to clear the mind and soothe the qi (vital energy). Depending on the ingredients used, it can be prepared in various flavours.

Lotus seeds, a key component, contribute to strengthening the heart and calming the nerves, providing excellent health benefits. The soup helps eliminate internal heat and thirst, promotes urination, and alleviates symptoms of colds and coughs. It is particularly suitable for consumption in the summer, being both nourishing and delicious. This makes it one of the popular beverages in Malaysia.




In old days, Lotus Seed Soup was packaged in traditional bowls for takeout or people will buy raw ingredients to cook at home.

Later, we realized that in the modern busy workdays, people faced challenges with time constraints and the hassle of preparing food. Time and energy became pain points for everyone.



Let us alleviate your worries now!

我们产品的特点 (Our stand points):

  1. 已经研发懒人包装策略,终于以独特的风味,推出清真即食莲子羹!

We have devised a user-friendly packaging approach and are thrilled to introduce the halal-ready to eat Lotus Seed Soup with a unique flavour!

  1. 即食莲子携带方便

The on-the-go Lotus Seed Soup is designed for easy carry.

  1. 无需煮沸,只需加入冰块或加热,即可直接品尝

No need for boiling – simply adds ice or heat, and you can savour it instantly.

  1. TSALLEE的即食莲子羹高品质口感,它采用传统配方,融合高温杀菌的特技、特选清真高品质原料、以及其独特的口感,清凉与美味随时伴随您,回味无穷

TSALLEE's ready-to-eat Lotus Seed Soup offers a premium taste. It melds a traditional recipe, and specialized in high-temperature sterilization technique, with chosen halal-quality ingredients, and a unique flavour. The refreshing and delightful taste is ready to serves at any moment, with ensuring you a boundless enjoyment.



Indulge in the delightful and hydrating sweet soup – our Read-to-Eat Lotus Seed Soup.

Experience the cooling and thirst-quenching delight of our ready-to-eat Lotus Seed Soup, a perfect way for busy individuals to unwind and rejuvenate at the end of a hectic day. This offers to nurture the complexion, moisturizing the lungs, and providing a refreshing respite from the heat.

非常适合于你 (Prefect for),

  1. 缓解在炎炎热天解暑的渴望,

Easing and relief from the sweltering hot days.

  1. 关注清真、品质认证的穆斯林消费者

Muslim consumers who value halal and quality certification.

  1. 长期忙碌的白领一族,繁忙的现代人。

The consistently busy and modern individuals with hectic schedules.

  1. 寻找方便又快捷来享受美味的糖

Those seeking a convenient and quick way to savour delicious, sweet soup.

  1. 寻找健康、高品质糖水,但不愿意花费时间和精力烹煮糖水的消费者。

Consumers who looking for a healthy, high-quality sweet soup without the time and effort required for preparation.

目前销售市场 (Our Clientele)

认证 / 奖项 Award:

  1. 9个月就在大马著名霸级市场迈丁(Mydin)获得最佳冷冻饮料奖

            In a span of 9 months, we achieved recognition with the Best-Selling Beverage Award at Mydin, a prominent hypermarket in Malaysia.

  1. 再续3个月又获得马来西亚联邦农业销售局(FAMA)颁发农基工业最佳销售奖

After 3 months later, received the Best Sales Award from the Malaysian Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (FAMA).

  1. 100% 实施严格的质量控制,以提高产品质量的过程控制能力, 确保每一口即食莲子羹都符合最高标准

100% Standard Operating Procedure Quality Control to improve product quality process control capabilities and ensure that meets the highest standard

  1. 100%天然材料,绝无添加任何防腐剂或化学物质

            We use 100% natural ingredients, with absolutely no addition of preservatives.


融资之后营销目标 (Our next sales plan)

  1. 进攻马来穆斯林市场,广告宣传,提高品牌知名度

Penetrating the Malaysian Muslim market via advertising initiatives to boost brand recognition.

  1. 进驻便利店 Mynews (进行中)

Establishing a presence in convenience stores – Mynews (In progress).

  1. 开拓中国市场(进行中) 走向国际市场

Venturing into China (In progress) and extend our brand recognition to the international market.

投资亮点 (Highlights to Invest)

  1. 马来西亚第一家以清真中华药材为领头品牌,打开马来西亚穆斯林市场

Pioneering as the first in Malaysia to lead with a halal Chinese medicinal herb brand, tapping into the Malaysian Muslim market.

  1. 100% 正宗传统口味的独家配方,拥有自家工廠生產线,掌控制产品品質

Crafted with an exclusive formula featuring 100% authentic traditional flavours, our products are manufactured in-house to uphold control over quality.

  1. 中华华裔穆斯林清真品牌形象占优领先开拓全球伊斯兰市场

Leading the way in creating a positive image for a halal Chinese-Muslim brand within the Chinese-Muslim community positions us to explore global Islamic markets.





        Do not overlook this outstanding investment opportunity!

        Click on the link to invest with us immediately.


2024-10-11 0:09:30

Price / Option
價格 / 選項
  • 白银支持者RM100
  • 铂金支持者RM300
  • 王者投资人RM500~成为我们的融资优先投资人
Date / Time
日期 / 時間
01 Jul 2024 - 11 Oct 2024
12:00 AM - 2:00 AM
Support and Rewards



1 张虾皮 20% 折扣礼卷

Silver Support Package :

1 Pink Box~RTE Lai Chee Kang(3 Pack)

1 Shopee 20% Discount Voucher

Select this Reward


1 套黑曜礼盒~5份莲子羹 

1 套纯燕窝泡参金礼盒(10瓶)

1 张虾皮 20% 折扣礼卷

Platinum Support Package :

    1 Black Box~RTE Lai Chee Kang(5 Pack)

    1 Box~Pure Bird's Nest c/w American Ginseng(10Btl)

    1 Shopee 20% Discount Voucher

Select this Reward


2 套黑曜礼盒~10份莲子羹 

1 套纯燕窝泡参金礼盒(10瓶)再赠送多4瓶

1 张虾皮 20% 折扣礼卷

Royal Investor Support Package :

    2 Black Box~RTE Lai Chee Kang(10 Pack)

    1 Box~Pure Bird's Nest c/w American Ginseng(10Btl) Additonal 4 btl

    1 Shopee 20% Discount Voucher


Select this Reward
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